How does living in a wooden house influence human health?
How many years do wooden houses serve?
Is it enough warm in a wooden house in winter?
Don’t wooden houses look old-fashioned?
Why is it cheap to build a wooden house?
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How long does it take to build a glued beam house?
How long does it take to build a glued beam house?
How does living in a wooden house influence human health?
Living in a wooden house has a positive effect on human health. Firstly, wood is environmentally friendly material, it does not emit toxic substances or radioactive gas radon unlike synthetic building materials or reinforced concrete.
Wood doesn’t store electrostatic potential which is dangerous as a source of electromagnetic radiation and dust. That is why wood prevents from allergies. Besides, wood supports the optimal level of air humidity. It provides lungs and respiratory tracts diseases prevention.
Secondly, wood is live material, it possesses favourable bioenergy. It creates good emotional state, helps to relax.
There is no place to sleep better, than in a wooden house!
How many years do wooden houses serve?
Wood is a very longeval material. Correctly constructed and prevented from climate affects a house will serve more than 200 years. The examples of this are such landmarks as Kiji and wooden Vologda.
Maintenance of a house is quite easy, it does require attention and systematic care.
Is it enough warm in a wooden house in winter?
Wood has very low heat conductivity; a 15 cm wooden layer has the same heat insulation with 60 cm brickwork layer. Due to this it is warm in winter and fresh in summer. The inner surface of a wooden wall unlike a stone wall has the temperature very close to that of the room. It is very important for creating comfort in winter. Besides, wall, floor between flights and roof can be provided with environmentally friendly heat insulation material, structurally close to wood, but with a higher degree of heat insulation. The width of the insulation material is decided on the basis of climate conditions and supposed expenses on heating.
Don’t wooden houses look old-fashioned?
Expect the cases, when the owner of the house wants to stylize his house to old times, wooden houses look elegant and modern thanks to modern designing and planning of adjacent territory. Wood is easy to work up and it is highly strong, it is used for constructing a range of elements. That is why it is possible to realize any architectural solution in wood. Specific features of modern wooden houses are complex coverings with open platforms, multilevel interior, galleries and terraces, open inside staircases, lighting of living rooms by “second light” through attic window openings etc.
Interiors of wooden houses combine modern convenience and traditional comfort. The most effective combinations are of wood and stone, wood and metal, wood and ceramics. It is also popular to use large glass surfaces, to arrange winter gardens, galleries and ratios.
Why is it cheap to build a wooden house?
The general weight of wooden constructions and the house is 4-6 times less than the similar brick or stone houses, what does not require massive base and heavy construction engineering while building a house. It allows not only to spare money, but also to save nature landscape.